200+ Best Private Story Names You Never Thought About

Looking for good college private story names to use for your Snapchat? I got you friend!

With so much social media to keep up with, it can be difficult coming up with creative names and captions for each of your different profiles. And your private Snapchat story is no different!

To save you the brain space, I’ve compiled a list of 200+ good college private story names you can use for your Snapchat account. 

Whether you want to dance out to your favorite college party songs, give ted talk debate no one asked for in your dorm bathroom, or share your nerves about sorority recruitment with your friends, it’s a story name here for you!

So, if you found yourself wondering what are some good college private story names and you need some new ideas, I’ve got you covered with my mega list of private story names!

Keep reading for 200+ best private story names you never thought about!

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girl taking a picture for her snapchat with good college private story names


Get party ready with some of my going-out favorites:

  • I use this speaker to get hype while I’m getting dressed (with the pregame playlist of course)
  • I love this phone wallet to carry my ID, cards, and some cash so I don’t need to bring a purse. Plus it doesn’t stand out so my phone case still looks cute.
  • This portable charger saved me when my phone died unexpectedly one night.
  • This is my go-to gum for fresh breath all night! (Don’t get caught slipping!)

What is a private story on Snapchat?

If you’re a college student in the 2020’s, then you definitely know about the trendiness of Snapchat private stories! You probably have a bunch right now that you’re trying to find a new name for. 

I’ve got some really great ones for you, so keep scrolling down!

Well, if you haven’t heard of the amazingness that is private stories, I’ve got a quick 123 guide to get you up to speed. 

Snapchat private stories are stories that can only be seen by the people you choose to see them. It’s similar to the close friends feature on Instagram, where only the followers you choose or your closest friends can see your posts.

You can think of them as your own personal fan club or group message but on the snapchat app. People usually use private stories to share funny moments, talk about their personal life, or even share little secrets they only want a select few to know about.

Get ready to see so many snaps of college parties!

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Parties in College

You can also make a public story or shared stories, but who wants to put all their college life out into the world, not me!

What makes them so cool is that they are exclusive! Meaning you can decide who gets to see each of your private stories.

(Like if you want to show off your super secret borg recipe but you only want your besties to know about it🤫)

You can create up to 20 different private stories at a time, so you don’t have to choose only one group of people. 

For example, maybe you have two groups of friends that you want to see your private stories, but you don’t want them to see the same things. You can create two separate private stories and you can share whatever on both of them!

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What is a private story name?

One of the coolest things about the private story feature is the ability to change the name to something a bit more…unique. 

(let’s be honest, this is the only reason we still use snapchat right)

The story names are actually where the fun comes in! A story name is just that, a name that you give to your story to describe the vibe and energy that your story gives. 

Custom story names give an inside peek into what the story is all about and oftentimes, who’s it for. You can think of it as a label for your content in the story. 

The name of your private story can be literally anything!

It doesn’t even have to make sense if you don’t want it to. This is your account and you can make it want you want it to be!

Most people use things like inside jokes, movie references, funny memes, lyrics, a play on words, or anything that reflects your personality. 

The only things you’re tryna achieve with your different names are creativity and uniqueness. It just makes the whole thing more fun!

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How to decide on a private story name?

This is the hardest part of choosing your unique name for your private snapchat stories! There are so many ways you can go.

From funny names to cute private story names, you have tons of options! 

(Honestly like trying to choose one nail color when you want them all!)

If you’re trying to decide on a cool name, here’s some things you should think about:

Is it Authentic?

One of the first things you should consider is if the name fits with your personality!

Since these are your private stories, you want them to be authentic to you and actually match your vibe.

If you choose something that doesn’t match your identity, you may be seen as just trying to be popular or cool instead of embracing your real personality. 

(I’ve seen so many ppl called out by their friends for having a private story name that didn’t fit them)

The best names work because they’re uniquely you!

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Is it Offensive?

Offensive private story names are really common, unfortunately.

(sorry you’re not gonna find any of those in this list below)

Before choosing a name, ask yourself if anyone could be offended by this name. Since you can choose who sees your stories, you should know what can offend someone.

This could have a negative effect on your reputation in college and don’t forget, just because it’s private, doesn’t mean it’s really fully private!

Someone could always screenshot your name or story and then you’re in hot water somewhere.

Main point here is to choose your story name and who sees your story wisely.

Is it Unique?

This is the most fun part about private stories, using a perfect name that is unique, catchy, and intriguing to your story watchers!

Using the same story name as someone else is not the move in 2023. 

Before you choose your story name, make sure it’s one you haven’t seen before.

That’ll help your story stand out and make everyone mad they didn’t think of it first. 

Watch you’ll find that you’re a trendsetter in no time!

Private Story Name Generator

There are a lot of names on this list, so save yourself some time and easily find your private story name using our Private Story Name Generator!

Story Name Generator

Your generated name:

200 Good College Private Story Names

Cool Private Story Names

  1. anxietea
  2. the secret life of (name)
  3. the (name) diaries
  4. all panic no disco
  5. going feral
  6. life short but I’m shorter
  7. taste the rainbow 
  8. your daily dose of me
  9. didn’t ask, imma tell 
  10. marvel credit scene
  11. am I the drama 
  12. swiper no swiping
  13. spotify’s most played
  14. please accept the terms and conditions
  15. bogo
  16. IOS updated
  17. our open marriage
  18. sharing is caring
  19. lonelyfans
  20. its personal
  21. (name) private tales
  22. (name) interlude
  23. deleted scenes
  24. cuz I can
  25. not like you asked but
  26. open 24/7
  27. you think you know but you have no idea
  28. blink and its over
  29. I met you at that party remember
  30. lost and found
  31. me before the fame
  32. don’t judge me
  33. don’t feel special
  34. tied my shoes I’m done tripping
  35. adventure time
  36. history in the making
  37. run and tell that homeboy
  38. (city) finest
  39. not interested still watching
  40. not so private story
  41. can yall skip or nah
  42. lets unpack that 
  43. my personal problems
  44. this is me shooting my shot
  45. love that you love me
  46. limited time series
  47. binge me like Netflix
  48. its a vibe ova here
  49. stop pretending, you see me
  50. for your viewing pleasure
  51. the makings of a story

Good Private Story Names for Girls

  1. jackal johnson’s cheetahs 
  2. butler babes
  3. anti-that girl
  4. too blonde to respond
  5. dearest gentle reader
  6. tea time 
  7. the girl in the green dress
  8. total drama island
  9. go twitches
  10. turns out I’m the problem
  11. my gowrlz
  12. writing a 4 page letter
  13. bidi bidi bum bum
  14. HER moment
  15. sprinkle sprinkle
  16. womens history month
  17.  think big b*tch
  18. cuz we are sistas
  19. spin the block like jlo
  20. my mascara runs more than I do 
  21. I’m maddie you’re cassie
  22. bell bottoms and boy problems
  23. xoxo gossip girl
  24. caresha pls
  25. I wish I had megans knees
  26. in my delusional girl era
  27. a princess in the making
  28. this is what dreams are made of
  29. hot mess express
  30. girlz just wanna have fun
  31. baddie wheres my daddy
  32. lil miss (personal trait)
  33. flirt with many don’t love any
  34. I’m his selena
  35. illegally blonde
  36. dear diary
  37. too brunette to forget
  38. love me not sosa
  39. class no a**
  40. hotties only
  41. on mars where da boyz at
  42. forever 21
  43. where ma ladiez at
  44. we are never ever ever getting back together
  45.  looks like a marshmallow is a marshmallow
  46. only here for the girlies
  47. the ultimate girls girl
  48. kinda spicy
  49. good vibes thick thighs
  50. all I see is money signs
  51. pilates for the hotties

Good Private Story Names for Guys

  1. farmer george
  2. lowercase cause I don’t cap
  3. (281) 330-8004
  4. walking red flag
  5. working out because we didn’t
  6. hanging out the passengers side of my best friends ride
  7. air jordan
  8. rip me out the plastic
  9. who loves orange soda
  10. body wash, shampoo, all in one
  11. everytime I close my eyez
  12. ima wild boy
  13. I hope so
  14. drakeeeeeee
  15. not a sneaky link
  16. I’m batman
  17. ask tommy hilifigure it out
  18. wayne’s one good loc
  19. austin power’s goldmember
  20. I’ve got my hoochie daddy shorts on
  21. you cant spell million with a couple l’s 
  22. anti but on socials
  23. riding round and I’m gettin it
  24. no one asked tho
  25. Minecraft survival mode
  26. evidence for the documentary
  27. diary of a simply kid
  28. not patrick but yall mahomies
  29. no shame no game
  30. relax and take notes
  31. on venus where da ladies at
  32. my name is (first name) last name (last name)
  33. in my droptop cruising the streets
  34. binging not simpin
  35. darty is lyfe
  36. the good guy you’ve been waiting for

Funny Private Story Names

  1. she doesn’t even go here
  2. oh snap
  3. dumb and dumber
  4. rose could’ve fit on the door
  5. losing everything but weight
  6. uggs leaning to the left side
  7. I’ve too been to the year 3000
  8. you think I give af, bcuz I don’t 
  9. sorry to this man
  10. left on read so I’m making bread
  11. don’t tell my mom
  12. delusion is the solution
  13. hennything is possible
  14. bloated never goated
  15. my favorites gouda
  16. billies ellish
  17. bless your little heart
  18. just left poundtown

Good Private Story Names for College

  1. class is in session
  2. not in the bathroom
  3. why you always lyin
  4. here but not really here
  5. only get out of bed for 10k
  6. always at 83 percent
  7. series of unfortunate events 
  8. posting while ghostin
  9. asher said I love college
  10. left on read, still reading
  11. I’m gonna send a letter
  12. is it over yet
  13. did I miss my class yes yes I did 
  14. its been 84 years
  15. sorrows sorrows prayers
  16. backpack backpack
  17. typing like an evil villain
  18. get somebody else to do it
  19. new girl
  20. my spam folder
  21. we’re just getting started
  22. majoring in bad decisions
  23. working hard or hardly working
  24. d’s get degrees
  25. it goes down in the (area code)
  26. no meal plan just vibes
  27. gainz for the brain
  28. my happy place
  29. real world (city)

Creative Private Story Names for Close Friends

  1. do I know you
  2. my euphoria
  3. how you hating from outside the club
  4. the velvet rope
  5. red boots only
  6. always 5 paces behind 
  7. netflix shared password
  8. chamber of secrets
  9. I cant believe I have friends
  10. friends or associates the world may never know
  11. where everyone from
  12. ain’t that yo friend
  13. who said that
  14. guess who loves you more
  15. active members only
  16. the breakfast club
  17. someone’s someone
  18. don’t say you told me so
  19. the first monday in may
  20. homie depot
  21. get in loser we’re going shopping
  22. the power rangers
  23. girls room 101
  24. you’re on the top 5 roster
  25. USA dream team
  26. just a bunch of babes

I hope you loved this list of good college private story names!

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